Non-MLS Listings
“I really don’t think we could recommend Betty too much.” – Andy Norval, Attorney
It is common to learn of properties coming on the market from other agents and/or friends, neighbors, and clients. Agents love to “get the scoop” from these sources. In addition, properties with sales prices over $1,000,000 or lease prices over $5,000/month may be featured in The Austin Luxury Network. If listed here, the listings will not be featured in MLS, Zillow, or any of the other global listing sites. Many of the very high-end properties may be listed here as these sellers may prefer the privacy that the Austin Luxury Network (ALN) provides. Also, agents can post messages about buyers’ needs/searches or connect using the message board on a number of other needs or topics.
Participants in “ALN” are Agents or Brokers with an active real estate license in Texas. From their website:
The purpose of Austin Luxury Network is to provide a platform for participants to a) market luxury properties that are not listed on the Multiple Listing Service either for sale or lease, and b) network luxury buyer needs. Article III – Participation: Requirements 1. Active real estate salesperson or broker license in the state of Texas;
In addition, participants pay an annual fee that is distinct from the dues for the Multiple Listing Service. The number of agents in the Austin Luxury Network is dramatically less than the number of agents who pay for an MLS subscription.
Betty Hood has been a member of the Austin Luxury Network for years and feels that this is essential for her high-end clients.
Non-MLS Properties
Betty is a member of the Austin Luxury Network, an “underground” database of luxury listings in the Austin area. In addition, she receives private emails from many agents and keeps “her ear to the ground” through the weekly Eanes Property Tours and meetings (for agents). She can also send out “feelers” to see if agents have any properties coming on the market soon. Contact Betty about properties not seen in MLS.